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Together, Let's Make A Difference
The donation you make today will enable us to continue providing vital support to people facing unimaginable trauma.
Without your support, we cannot continue providing our unique service.
Thank you

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Or text TRAUMA 5 to 70460 to make a quick £5 donation - or any other amount up to £20!
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By bank transfer or cheque
If you would like to make a payment directly into our bank, please email for the details.
Or you can post cheques to our HQ:
Unit 5 Manor Farm
Gussage St Michael
BH21 5HT
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Please sign up to Easyfundraising and choose ACTS FAST as your charity partner. Just click the button below.
Easyfundraising partners with over 7,500 brands who will donate part of what you spend to ACTS FAST. It won't cost you a penny. The cost is covered by the brand and the funds will help us continue to support those that need it.

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