Supporting families impacted by child sexual abuse, sexual assault and indecent images of children.
We provide support for non-abusive parents and carers of children who have suffered Child Sexual Abuse (CSA), Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) or sexual assault. We also provide support for adult family members and partners of individuals who have accessed Indecent Images of Children (IIOC).
How Can We Help You?

A free 10 week, one to one, trauma informed service providing stabilisation, psychoeducation and support.
A 24 week, one to one, person centred, trauma informed, counselling service. This can be provided face to face in our office in Dorset or online.
An 8 week facilitated, peer led, support group. It's main goals are to reduce isolation, promote wellbeing and help develop post traumatic growth.
Our Goal
For strong, safe, stable families, supporting secondary victims through trauma and lessening the impact of Child Sexual Abuse on wider society.
About Us
ACTS FAST works with all members of the community regardless of race, ethnicity, age or gender. We support the non-abusive parents, carers and adult family members of children who have suffered Child Sexual Abuse (CSA), Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) or sexual assault and adult family members and partners of individuals who have accessed Indecent Images of Children (IIOC) also known as Child Sexual Abuse Material (CSAM).
We help families who have been impacted by these traumatic experiences and help them grow again. The impact of Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation is devastating, and disclosures often come like an exploding bomb, out of the blue. It can significantly affect every corner of a family’s life. With the help of our support services which include psychoeducation, one to one counselling and group work we can develop strategies with a family so they can regain their strength and look towards the future.
Our support is always tailored around helping the secondary victims of the abuse. We provide support to the nonfamily because we know that there is very little specialist support for them. They are often very alone with no one to talk to. We help them with their own emotions and provide parents and family members therapeutic skills to support themselves and the primary victim.
We also support families where a partner or family member has been involved in accessing Indecent Images of Children (IIOC). This most often happens out the blue, and life changes for the rest of the family from that point on. There may be children in the home, as well as the non-offending parent who is left with the devastating shock of what their partner has been accessing online. We support the non-offending partner and family members, We will listen and will help support their emotional wellbeing so that they can regain their strength and thrive again. We will support those affected with our expert knowledge and therapeutic skills to compassionately help them navigate their next steps, process their trauma and rebuild their lives.
"I felt alone and helpless. You were there for me and understood exactly what I was going through. Thank you ACTS FAST!"
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